Incubated Pleurotus Substrate



DIRFIS MUSHROOM is a vertically integrated spawn producer, selling only what we cultivate. At our facilities, based at the base of Mount Dirfis on the island of Evia, we test our strains, substrates, and supplements under a variety of growth circumstances. Our highly deveoped greenhouses produce mushroom spawn once it has been approved by growers, for sale. Every facility was created especially to provide reliable mushroom spawn and, most importantly, aid in your growth. Whether you're a DIY mushroom producer in Greece or a small size mushroom farmer, get in touch with us today to find out how you may get the quantity you require. We have established DIRFIS MUSHROOMS also, as and Exporter of incubated Pleurotus substrate and provide mushroom cultivation consultation and offer a comprehensive range of services that cater to every aspect of mushroom farming, providing guidance and assistance throughout the process.