

DIRFIS MUSHROOMS production operates in an environmentally and socially responsible manner. Through its practices and processes, it continuously seeks to improve the efficiency with which natural resources are used to meet human needs in its products and services. The production of DIRFIS MUSHROOMS promotes a more sustainable and healthier lifestyle for its consumers.

More specifically, DIRFIS MUSHROOMS cultivates using organic methods, does not use any chemical fertilizers or pesticides, and manufactures food products without chemical flavor enhancers, preservatives or processed raw materials. The nutritional claims listed on its product labels have been derived from chemical analyses in certified laboratories, while the raw materials are selected very carefully after continuous inspections. Supporting the efficient use of energy, sustainably produced resources and the creation of a circular economy of materials, it has managed to recycle almost 80% of its waste. Thus, approximately 1,500 tons of exhausted substrate each year will be composted and converted into useful organic fertilizers for plants, mushroom residues will become animal feed, and paper will be sent for recycling.