July 25th, 2018 – October 24th, 2021
The collaboration agreement for the implementation of the largest research program in mushrooms in Greece just signed.
3 research Bodies (i.e. Agricultural University of Athens, Harokopeion University and National Research Foundation) and DIRFIS MUSHROOMS Co. (Manitaria Dirfis) are signed collaborating agreement for the implementation of the largest research program in Greecewhich concerns the development of a polyvalent functional mushroom food.
Among its principal innovative features, the mushroom can provide -through its fine organoleptic properties and attractiveness to a wide range of consumers- a large part of the recommended daily intake of vitamin D as well as significant quantities of β-glucans, essential amino acids and antioxidants.To arrive at the anticipated result, several wild Pleurotus ostreatus and Εryngium strains (originating from various Greek habitats since it of priority to exploit the potential of the “hidden” national biodiversity).
A clinical trial on 70 volunteers with high body mass index followed for elucidating its beneficial effects on the regulation of cardiometabolic indexes (inflammation and oxidation stress) and in the increase of vitamin D in blood serum. Budget was co-financed by the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operation Program Competitiveness Entrepreneurship and Innovation.